
We develop professional learning on a range of relevant topic areas

In collaboration
with schools

Each one of these workshop comes in a student, teacher and parent form in one hour, half day or full day formats on-site or online.

Student Well-Being

Student well being is all about being aware of the issues that effect learning which are not included in the curriculum.

Behaviour Management

If you don’t connect You can’t correct


I work with students, leadership teams , classroom teachers ands parents to boost the conditions so that student voices are heard loud, clear and often

Classroom Teaching

I collaborate in classrooms with teachers to coach, mentor and demonstrate the most researched and practical teaching methods that empower teachers to…


Aspiring teachers, year level coordinators, faculty heads, deputy and assistant principals, heads of junior, middle or senior school, multi classroom leaders, teacher mentors and senior teachers are all key people in the cycle of school improvement.

Our Testimonials

It has been an awesome experience walking around the school and visiting classrooms who have started implementing the strategies that Greg spoke about.

From School Leaders

The teachers have responded really well and are talking positively about the experience they have had with Greg.

From School Leaders

It has been an awesome experience walking around the school and visiting classrooms who have started implementing the strategies that Greg spoke about.

From School Leaders

The teachers have responded really well and are talking positively about the experience they have had with Greg.

From School Leaders

It has been an awesome experience walking around the school and visiting classrooms who have started implementing the strategies that Greg spoke about.

From School Leaders

The teachers have responded really well and are talking positively about the experience they have had with Greg.

From School Leaders

It has been an awesome experience walking around the school and visiting classrooms who have started implementing the strategies that Greg spoke about.

From School Leaders